La Reptation
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Bienvenue Yuri

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Bienvenue Yuri Empty Bienvenue Yuri

Message par M'enfin Lun 11 Fév - 13:24

Yuri a écrit:
Bonjour Raymond. J'ai lu avec intérêt votre thèse "La Reptation". Il y a des difficultés avec la traduction. J'aime bien votre explication du mouvement grâce à l'effet Doppler. Votre description est utile pour les personnes qui n'ont pas d'autres notions de la physique.

Je dirai quelques mots sur le principal objectif de la science. Le danger qui nous vient de l'espace est un fait qui nous force à réfléchir sur notre avenir.

Il faudrait garantir les droits de la personne et les moyens techniques de survie dans l'espace, à tout moment, en cas de perte partielle ou totale de la planète à la suite d'une catastrophe.

Sans la compréhension des mécanismes du mouvement, qui ont lieu dans le microcosme, la solution est impossible. Il faut un nouveau regard sur le problème. J'ai consacré ma vie à cette solution. Voici le lien vers mon site
Salut Yuri,

Bienvenue sur mon forum! J'ai aménagé ce sujet spécialement pour toi. Yuri ne parle que Russe et il doit utiliser un logiciel de traduction pour converser. Il faudra donc parfois lire entre les mots pour comprendre ce qu'il veut dire, mais je vais essayer de corriger les erreurs de traduction. Il est physicien et il travaille depuis 20 ans sur une thèse qui ressemble à la mienne, mais qui comporte toutefois des différences appréciables. Entres autres, il n'explique pas la gravitation de la même manière que moi, et il croit pouvoir mettre au point un véhicule spatial basé sur la rythmodynamique.

Dernière édition par M'enfin le Lun 11 Fév - 13:36, édité 2 fois

Messages : 44
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2012
Age : 77
Localisation : Val David, Québec

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Bienvenue Yuri Empty Re: Bienvenue Yuri

Message par M'enfin Jeu 14 Mar - 16:14

Voici un message que Yuri vient de me faire parvenir en anglais, et qu'il voulait que je place ici.

"If Columbus does not discover anything, the treasury will only lose money. And if he does discover?"
Isabella 1 of Castile

Rhythmodynamics: solvable tasks
1. The top-ranking application tasks the author has set forward is the development of entirely new means of propulsion in space, as well as energy production without the use of traditional resources.
2. For the goal to be achieved, a new vision of the fundamental natural phenomena and their properties is required.
3. The philosophical aspect is expressed in the definition of the main preordination of science and its main goal:
Goal. Providing man and mankind with technical means of survival in space under any conditions, even in the case of partial or complete loss of the planet resulting from some cataclysm.
4. In all man-made devices a direct or indirect control of the state of substance is used, which allows to achieve various effects. But to obtain a relatively non-jet propulsion force the known means aren’t sufficient. The cause is the absence of knowledge about inside-matter processes which trigger the natural phenomenon of inertial motion in space. Rhythmodynamics has removed this obstacle and proved in practice that clever control of the above-mentioned processes leads inevitably to the emergence of a propulsion force. Which is to provide both the transfer of technical devices in space and the necessary energy.
5. As for the technologies of transfer in space, they are based on control of the natural aspect of matter, its inner energy. These technologies are yet to be developed.
6. Creation of a bank of technologies for their future gradual realization is a sign of civilizational thinking. It’s time we showed some foresight.
7. It’s a long distance from theoretical and laboratory experiments to the ready-made product, and it’s expensive too. The first stage is crucial: if experiments show that the claimed effects are absent, the project is closed.
8. The estimated cost of the first stage work is not high and subject to negotiations.

1. Development of entirely new machinery and technology is impossible without understanding of natural phenomena at a deeper level of their organization. This directly applies to energy and means of transportation in space. The main idea there is that all bodies are open formations representing complex organization of oscillating systems of elements present in the wave medium.
2. A range of complex theoretical and practical research has been conducted indicating a possibility of development of entirely new means of transportation of bodies in space, as well as energy production without the use of non-reusable sources. The proposed means of transportation are based on control of the inner states of substantial systems, or to be more precise, on control of phase-frequency parameters responsible for the state of inter-atomic ties in these systems. In other words, they are based on controlled inner force the deformation of which, interacting with environment, can trigger the system’s reaction in the form of self-propulsion.
3. Such self-propulsion is observed in gas and fluids’ molecules, and regarded as innate. Its cause has been found and concrete mechanism revealed which has been confirmed theoretically, experimentally and through computer modeling. This so far unknown property of systems is particularly valuable if applied to propulsion in space. The technical devices built on this principle can move in space using non-jet propulsion. Which means that in future flights to the planets of solar system the present barrels filled kerosene will be superfluous.
4. Further development of this methodology will lead to the production of energy, as well as propulsion force, at the expense of clever control of deliberately changed substantial systems and their natural tendency to restore the broken balance of internal forces.
5. The majority of contemporary scientists find this approach absurd and contradicting the present views on conservation of energy. Although this principle in no way violates the laws of conservation, it does not imply the extraction of energy out of nowhere, but refers to ability of controlling energies already present in substantial objects.
6. I think this approach is promising to alleviate a range of problems linked with the use of non-renewable energy. In view of this I suggest a serious attention should be paid to rhythmodynamical means of description of natural phenomena and their properties, and in particular to their possible application.
7. This address could be the basis for possible negotiations on cooperation on condition of the opposite side’s interest in solving the aforesaid problems.

Yuri N. Ivanov

Messages : 44
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2012
Age : 77
Localisation : Val David, Québec

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